Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists

Places to visit



Uppdated 2010-06-07



Places to visit
- The life of Tycho Brahe

The Tycho Brahe Planetarium

The Planetarium is located in central Copenhagen. It opened on the first of November, 1989. The architect, who created the sensational building, was named MAA Knud Munk. The most famous attraction on the museum is the IMAX video, a huge 3D video. There are many different videos to chose between, especially many about animals.

1581 was Tycho's house, the luxurious Uraniborg, ready. Uraniborg was used in many ways; it was the place where the family and his assistances lived, a chemical laboratory and an observatory. Uraniborg was the first observatory in Europe. Later Tycho built a new observatory underground, called Stjerneborg. This was because of the weather. Before he had kept his instruments on the four balconies, but the wind moved them a little so he couldn't get exact results. That's why he had to build a new observatory, only a stones throw from Uraniborg.

The Garden
Tycho had a great interest in gardens. Uraniborg was located in the middle of his big garden. The garden was divided into two parts, one where he grew herbs and one with trees. He used the herbs as medication. Today the garden is reconstructed and it's kept in an excellent condition. Don't miss it when you visit Hven!

Tycho Brahe needed an observatory for all his large instruments, so 1584 was the new observatory beginning to construct. To avoid the strong winds he decided to build it underground, this was a revolutionizing construction in Europe. The instrument was protected by domes with roof hatches to look through. The domes could be turned so he could decide which star to observe.

Where he met his wife
Tycho fell in love with Kristen Jorgensdatter, a poor maid, in Knudstrup. She was the daughter of a clergyman, meaning she wasn't commoner and because of that she never became his lawful wife. Together they got three sons and five daughters.

Where he was born and raised
Tycho Brahe was born the 14 December in the year 1546 at Knudstrup castle in Scania, which, at that time was Danish, but nowadays Swedish. His parents, Otte Brahe and Beate Bille had, before the birth of Tycho, promised Otte's brother Jorgen and his wife that they would get the child, since they were unfortunately childless. However, it seems like Tycho's parents changed their minds, and by the time that Tycho was two years old, Jorgen decided to take Tycho no matter what. He was so upset because of his brother breaking his promise that he kidnapped Tycho and raised him with his wife at Tosterup's castle. When Tycho was 13 years old he was sent to the university in Copenhagen to study philosophy and rhetoric.

Where Tycho studied
Tycho Brahe was born the 14 December in the year 1546 at When Tycho's father got ill, Tycho went home from Copenhagen to Knudstrup, but he was still allowed to make trips to Germany. He visited many universities, such as Rostock, Basel, Augsburg, Freiburg, Leipzig and Wittenberg. After 3 years of studying he went home again to Knudstrup.

Tycho Brahe in Prague
Tycho Brahe was born the 14 December in the year 1546 at W1597 Tycho Brahe moved to Wandsbeck in Germany and stayed there during a short time. Soon he was invited by the emperor of Prague. Therefore he moved to the castle Benatky in Prague. He continued his work which was appreciated by the emperor. There he work with Johannes Kepler and they discussed about their work together. They tried to evolve a theory about the solar system but Tycho Brahe could not finish his work because he died in 1601. There are different myths about his death. One is that he died of a bursting bladder because the Court Etiquette did not make it possible to leave the table until the dinner was over. This myth is probably not true. The believable version is that he died of an overdose of mercury.

Tycho Brahe Museum on Hven
Tycho Brahe was born the 14 December in the year 1546 at On April 29th, 2005 was a long-awaited new museum, opened in the former All Saints Church on Hven. The museum was opened by Swedish Crown Princess Victoria. At the same time a science centre opened on Hven. The centres goal was to provide visiting school classes with different scientific questions to work with. The fact that the museum is located in the old church makes the exhibition even more special. This is the first time in Swedish history that a church is permanently turned into something else than a church. The beautiful church is also optimal for all of Brahes big old instruments. The Tycho Brahe museum consists of:

  • Stjerneborg
  • Uraniborg
  • Renaissance Garden

Biography written by: Malte, Amanda and Michelle in Nv1b:
Coelho Ahndoril Alexandra, Stjarneborg, 2003