Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists





Uppdated 2010-06-14



Swedish' memories...
by Katja

Day 1

We took different trains from our hometown Lund to the little city of Vechelde, it took about ten exhaust fully hours until we could meet up with our host families.

Day 2

On the second day we went to the opening ceremony at the Julius-Spielberg gymnasium, it was very nice. We also went to physics class and learned about Rontgens theory. We had dinner with the mayor, it was a classical German buffet. For example they cooked the meat in bread.

Day 3

We went with the bus to Volkswagen Autostadt in Wolfsburg. We saw cars from the different manufactories such as Volkswagen, Lamborghini and Bugatti. We also went to a simulator where we chased a car. Afterwards we went to Phaeno, where they had a very wide range of different experiments.

Day 4

We sat in a bus all day long, we stopped in Remscheih to look at the city which is Rontgens birthplace. There also was a museum about Rontgen. We slept at a youth hostel somewhere in a small village in the middle of nowhere.

Day 5

We continued our bus drive to Wurzburg in the north of Bayern, there was an old castle in which we had a guided tour.
We later went to a Rontgen memorial.


Teachers involved

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany

Visit in Germany