Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists




Uppdated 2010-06-09


Memories from the visit to Italy September 2009

The trip to Italy by the Swedish group

Early in the morning, or more specifically at 4 o?clock September 27, we in the Swedish group gathered to begin our journey to the warm Italy. The plane that would take us to Italy departed at 7 o?clock and 3 hours later we made our entrance to Italy. A bus picked us up and took us to the hotel La Lanterna. It was a really nice hotel with good food and the staff were very hospitable, but the best was that all the countries lived together so that we could socialize after dinner.

Teachers involved

Teachers involved

Teachers involved

Day One

Because of our arrival early in the morning we had a long day in Naples ahead of us. We went on a guided tour in the beautiful city and ate delicious pizzas. Even though we were very tired from the journey we kept our biggest smiles on, and the smiles got even bigger when our teachers told us that the Polish group was coming the same day!

Day Two

We woke up with a positive attitude that morning because we knew that we were going to a beautiful place, Amalfi. The road was zigzag over the mountains and therefore we had to stop when some of us felt ill, but as soon as we arrived everyone felt a lot better. We went to the beach and stayed there as long as possible.
In the evening we met the students from the other countries for the first time and had a great time together.

Teachers involved

Teachers involved

Day Three

We visited Carlo Alberto Dalla Chiesa and got to meet the Italian students for the first time. They had an enchanting opening ceremony with a lot of dancing and singing in the main hall. During the lunch break we got quite surprised (in a positive way) by a disco. After finishing terrific lunch we went to Naples and visited a huge palace with a lot of beautiful paintings in the ceilings. In the evening we returned to La Lanterna exhausted but happy!

Teachers involved

Teachers involved

Day Four

We took the bus to Naples where we visited the University. We listened to a quite groovy presentation about Fermi and had a look around. Students at the University showed us some of Gallileo Gallilei?s experiments. In the afternoon we went to Herculaneun, a town lost in the Eruption of Vesuvius in the year 79. It was very interesting.

Day Five

On the fifth day we visited Rome and the University of Rome. We went to see the Spanish Steps, which are some famous steps placed on a hill, and we also saw the famous Fontana di Trevi. It's one of the biggest tourist attractions in Rome, and is also showed in several movies. It was amazing to see it in reality, and we did as the tradition says you should do if you want to come back to Rome someday: throw a coin over your shoulder in the fountain. Afterwards we went to Pantheon, a big ancient temple at Piazza della Rotonda. It was really beautiful, with its huge hall and the dome. Outside there were people dressed like the old Romans. We also saw the fountain at Piazza Navona, and bought some nice pictures of Rome and richly coloured pasta as souvenirs. When it was time for lunch, we ate some pizza, and also tasted the famous Italian ice cream. Unfortunately, we didn't have much time left, so we saw the rest of Rome through the bus window, for examples the Arch of Constantine, St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, and, of course, the Colosseum. On the whole, the impression we got of Rome was that it was a very beautiful city with all its narrow streets and high buildings, a bit like the old town in Stockholm, and with many places worth visiting.

Teachers involved

Teachers involved

Day Six

This day may be one of the best days on the trip, mostly because we had the opportunity to experience so many different things.
In the morning we went to Naples to meet young factory owners from Naples. They talked, among other things, about the mafia and how it affects them and the City. It was very interesting to hear about since we do not have anything like that in Sweden. Afterwards both students and teachers had the opportunity to ask the factory owners questions, and we all got very good answers from them.
Then it was time to go to the chocolate factory, Gay Odin. The factory owner showed us around in the factory, and explained every step from chocolate bean to chocolate. We also had the chance to taste their chocolate, and it was really delicious.
After a fantastic day in Naples with many great experiences, we went back to the school, where we had a great time with the wonderful Italian students.

Day Seven

The day that would end our trip to Italy started with a bus trip to the mayor of Afragola. When we arrived, the mayor delivered a speech that included his thanks and told everyone how proud he was to be the host for this event. Afterwards we received documents and information, of course in Italian, about Italy and Afragola.
When the ceremony was over and a lot of group pictures had been taken the day?s schedule continued. We went back to the school and had lunch and a disco. A feeling of sadness was in the air, because we all knew that this would be the last time that we would see the Italians.
After a smarting goodbye we left the school with all its pupils. On the bus back to the hotel you could only see sad faces, except Emil because he knew that the Italian students would sneak in to the hotel that night for a last goodbye.
In the evening we all dressed up for our last dinner, a gala dinner! During the dinner we listened to live music, it was very nice. For dinner we had food that we are not used to, but it?s always interesting and exciting to try new things.
A while after dinner the Italians showed up, but unfortunately they couldn?t stay very long. Although we had some great laughs and just the sight of their wonderful smiles a last time made us feel warm all the way back to chilly Sweden.