Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists




Uppdated 2010-06-14



Impressions of Polish Group of Students
Norwegian adventure

16th May 2010, Sunday
5 o'clock AM. The airport in Gdansk. It was our meeting point. At 6.30 AM we were supposed to fly to Copenhagen and then straight to Trondheim, which we finally reached at 11.30. AM.
The Norwegian adventure was about to begin......
After landing we were taken to our Norwegian families. We, girls stayed at Hilda's. We were enchanted by her parents and her very handsome brother, Niklas. Till the end of Sunday we decided to relax in our new room. The other part of our group - the boys decided to follow their host to the football match between Rosenborg and another football team . They enjoyed very much the match.

17th May 2010, Monday
Sharp at 8.00 AM in front of the Breidablikk school we saw the ceremony of raising the Norwegian flag onto the mast. On 17th May the Norwegian people celebrate their Day of Constitution and it is a very big holiday then. After eating a traditional Norwegian breakfast, we took part in a parade, dressed in Polish national clothes. The other Comenius participants also wore their country's national clothes. The parade took place along the streets in Heimdal, the part of Trondheim. Unfortunately, it was rainy and we soaked wet. However, it didn't encourage us later to see the big parade in the city centre. We could notice beautiful national clothes of Norwegian people and find out that the citizens of Trondheim were very talented. For lunch we had delicious hot-dogs and for dinner a special Norwegian soup with lamb-balls...

Then we had breakfast at school all together and so we had the chance to meet the other groups from the partner schools and , in most cases, to start to know each other. After breakfast we joined the local celebration of the Norwegian national day.

18 May 2010, Tuesday
At the begining of the day we went to the Institute of Science, where we could get to know the mystery of physics and chemistry. We could build different things f.ex. our own providing sound in set. However, we couldn't resisit watching our guide's very interesting cap with a little propeller on top :)
Next we were able to admire the most beautiful view on Trondheim form the oldest bridge in the city. After that we had a short meeting with a major of the city and later saw the most important monument of Scandinavia - the Nidarosomen Cathedral.
After 2 km of walking , we reached the harbour where we jumped on board of the boat. We were going to visit the most magnificent part of Norway - the fjords. At first it was difficult to realize where those famous fjords were but soon it appeared we travelled along the longest fjord in Europe.
After the 2-hour- cruise we had a delicious dinner and plenty of sweet desserts on the island of Hemnskjela. We couldn't resist to eat a lot. The restaurant was situated in a picturesque place , ideal for our future weddings :)
On returning home by coach we kept on admiring the wonderful landscape of this part of Norway.

19th May 2010, Wednesday
Traditionally at 8 o'clock we had a meeting outside Breideblikk school. This time we started the day with visiting the NTNU University which was the place of work of John Ugelstad. First we listened to the lecture of Mr Ugelstad's closest collegue. After that everybody took part in a science quiz. Our Polish group were the winners and we were given the prices - the silver key rings. Next we had a chance of visiting th whole building of the University and eat lunch at the students's canteen.
After this dose of science, we went to Lerkendel stadion, the home of Rosenborg BK. Before visiting the stadium, we bought a few football souvenirs. Next our guide took us among others to the VIP and commentator's places. This place was something exciting especially for the boys.
At about 3 PM we came back home. As we had spare time, we decided to go shopping to the nearest shopping centre. We were able to find the outstanding outfits for us. It was obvious that the other part of our Polish group - the boys - didn't participate in this shopping madness :)
Sharp at 9 PM we went to our rooms and got asleep after such an exhausting day.

20th May 2010 , Thursday
Again at 8 PM we met outside the school. We had a chance to play the " slabal " with our Norwegian friends. It was a kind of baseball. After the match, we went to Tyholtower by bus. As the tower was turning around in an hour of 360 degrees, we could see the panorama of the whole Trondheim. At the top of the tower there was the pizzeria so it was obvious to eat there a very tasty pizza.
Later we visited the Grenasen ski jump. Nearly everybody climbed up and from the highest point there was another opportunity to see Trondheim. The Polish supporters of Adam Ma?ysz were even there.
As it was our last day in school, we ate a solemn dinner together with all Comenius group. We loved the ice cream and the traditional Norwegian cake.
After dinner each country had their presentation. Everybody sang their traditional songs . We enjoyed the show and hope they enjoyed our performance ,too...
Later there was a farewell disco. At the end even the teachers danced with us. At 10 PM it was the end of our stay in Trondheim. A lot of people cried because they didn't want to part from each other. With a sad face we came back home where we started to pack our lugage.

21st May 2010, Friday.
Very early in the morning at 6 o'clock we were ready to leave. We said goodbye to our lovely Norwegian family. Taking the boys with ourselves, our " Norwegian Mother " took us to the airport. When the plane took off, we felt a little bit sad because we had to leave such a beautiful and friendly place.
However, we were also happy to see soonour Polish families who missed us a lot.
We reached Gdansk airport at 12.55 PM very tired but extremely happy!