Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists




Uppdated 2010-06-09



Impressions from the Bulgarian group

General Impressions
"Going to Poland was like a dream come true! It was our first time to travel by plane and our first time to go abroad so you can imagine how happy and excited we were! Also, it was my 18th birthday that day so it was the best day of my life - for sure!"
"I really enjoyed the trip to Poland. I am happy that I could practise my English, visit many sights and meet this great people."

The Programme
"While being in Poland we went to a real castle, cathedrals, we visited many monuments and, of course, we learnt a lot about Copernicus. We played bowling, visited a shopping center and many local stores. We'll always remember the long trips by bus and all the amazing landscapes we saw! Even the Baltic Sea! We loved the sky restaurant! We traveled by train, too - going to Gdynia was cool!
Now about the food - well, at first we were not familiar with those dishes but soon we found them really tasty! Of course, we understood that the Bulgarians are who eat so much bread! Even when the others were ready, the Bulgarian group stayed in the dining hall, eating! And we were drinking tea all the time. I definitely liked the mushroom soup! And I couldn't imagine putting pasta in the soups but it was nice, after all.
We think that the program was perfect - the time-schedule, the activities, spare time, traveling, visiting places - everything was well-organized! "
"On the first day we met the other groups and saw the opening ceremony. At the end of the day our hosts organized a disco. It was perfect and I couldn't believe that I was part of this project. Unfortunately every day we had to get up early. On the second day we visited Frombork and Lidzbark Warminski. In Frombork we visited Radzie Jowska Tower, the museum and the cathedral. I learned that in the early 16th century Frombork was the residence of the astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, who used it as a site for several of his observations. And the cathedral was damaged in World War II. The museum of Copernicus in Frombork shows exhibitions related to the astronomer. One of the biggest attractions for us was the organ concert. In Lidzbark Warminski we visited the castle, where Nicolaus Copernicus lived for several years.
On the third day we visited Gdansk. It is a city on the Baltic coast. Together with the cities Sopot and Gdynia, they form the metropolitan area called Tricity. We saw St. Mary's Basilica, Green Gate, many cathedrals and other beautiful sights. In the evening we played bowling. Despite the fact it was our first time , we were really good at this game. On the fourth day we visited Torun. The medieval old town is the birthplace of Nicolaus Copernicus. In my opinion it is one of the most beautiful towns and I was really happy to visit it. We saw the Cathedral Basillica of St. Josh, the Gothic Old town hall from 14 c., Copernicus' house, The Leaning tower and of course The Crooked house, where we visited the traditional ginger breads and even made some on owr own. On the last day we visited the City Hall and met the vice-president of Gdynia.
All the students from the other countries were great and when we had to leave we were sad, because we known that we couldn't meet those people again."
"There was a concert and we learned more about their culture and scientist Nicolaus Copernicus who was the first astronomer to formulate a comprehensive heliocentric cosmology , which displaced the Earth from the center of the universe. The next day we went to Lidzbark Warminski where we saw many castles.After that they took us with the bus and we went to Frombork. The big cathedral which we saw was full of golden icons. There one woman played the organ.
In the next morning the teachers woke up us early because we had to go toGdansk, where the other Polish students told us interesting things about the buildings , cathedrals and monuments that we saw.In the evening all students went to play bowling. It was so funny, we had a great time. On the May 29th we went to Torun ,where Copernicus was born.We visited his house and other amazing places.Then everyone had a chance to buy some souvenirs for their family.
On the last day we went to the municipality where we listened to a lecture about the history of the town. And in the end we were given certificates of attendance."

The School
"The school was somewhat like ours. The classrooms were big and the teachers were so kind and nice. I really loved them and the students too"
"We also met some of their teachers and we went for a walk around their school - you know - attending some of the classes. Oh, we enjoyed the ice-cream from the school! Later we went to a disco at the school and we liked the school play!"

The Atmosphere
"Well, we went to the school in Gdansk where we were met by some girls. Well... they were just staring at us, staying speechless. Later we understood that they had been too shy, but soon we became real friends. Anyway, when we arrived we were told that everybody was waiting for us. And, of course, when we entered the dining hall all the people turned to us!
My amazement was huge when a woman entered the hall a couple of minutes later and asked where Stoilka Panova was / what?!?! I'd just arrived - there was no way that I'd done something wrong! Not THAT soon/ Anyway, I stood up and she said: "Well, this girl has a birthday today." And then all the people started singing HAPPY BIRTHDAY in their own language and I almost cried my eyes! I'll always remember that!
All the people were friendly - we got really close with the students, especially with the Polish group. I think that this was the beginning of a long-lasting friendship."
"All the students from the other countries were great and when we had to leave we were sad, because we known that we couldn't meet those people again."

The Accommodation
"The hostel was very nice and comfortable. The staff there were friendly and helpful. It was good that almost all participants were accommodated there so that we could get to know each other better. And our beds were most desired after the long and overwhelmed with impressions trips."