Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists




Uppdated 2010-06-09



Impressions from the Germany group

Impressions 1
"The Comenius trip to Poland was a very special and impressive adventure for me. I really loved the friendly and affectionate atmosphere which accounted for the whole group, all the time. Everyone, no matter if teacher or student made friends.

I never met so many nice and friendly people in one place. Especially, I liked all the great trips we made.

The trip I liked the most was the one to the gingerbread museum. It was really fun to make my own gingerbread. I also liked the evening we used to go bowling. That was a totally funny evening where I got to know many new friends from Poland and Italy. The journey there was also awesome.

Even though, on the way to Poland, our group had to accomplish some complications, we bridged those problems with some jokes and little games in the train. "

Impressions 2

"The week in Gdynia for me was one of the best weeks in year 2009. I met many friendly people from different countries in Europe and together we made a lot of excursions to various cities, where we learned many things about Nicholas Copernicus, the polish scientist, as well as we got to know each other a little closer. For me it was a great experience to see that students from all over Europe get along with each other, can talk and laugh together and it doesn't matter where they're from or which language they speak, even if the groups of each country often were apart, too. Furthermore I got to know a new, really beautiful country. I had never been to Poland before and some of my friends asked:"What do you want in Poland?". But exactly this ignorance teased me. And the journey showed me that Poland is really worth a visit because of its very beautiful cities and all the nice people that welcomed all of us so friendly. All in all it was a very good journey and I really enjoyed being part of the "Comenius-Project".