Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists




Uppdated 2010-06-09



Impressions from the Romanian Group

The main aim of the visit to Poland was an extensive information related to Copernicus' activity.
The first step concerning Copernicus' life and work was the arrival in the city of Lidzbark Warminski, where we visited the castle and other historical sites. Copernicus lived in this city with his uncle after the death of his father.
Another great day on the trip to Poland was the tour of Frombork, where we visited the Radziejowski Tower. The museum of Copernicus in Fromburk holds exhibitions related to astronomer, as well as to astronomy in general. We visited the magnificent cathedral whose construction was financed by Nicolaus Copernicus. As a cartographer Copernicus determined the latitude of the city of Frombork. Torun is one of the most important cities associated with Copenicus, the city where he was born and spent his childhood. There we learnt new things about Copernicus' life and work, details which are not available on the internet or other sources.
We found out that he came from a wealthy family of merchants, having the financial support to continue his studies in astronomy.
During the trip we noticed that Copernicus is considered a national symbol in Poland, his studies and astronomical researches having a great impact on humanity, for example he represents the polish banknote of 100 zl.
The most important Copernican discovery that changed the world is the concept of heliocentric theory. According to this theory the sun is static and all the other planets revolve around the sun. His work stimulated further scientific investigations, becoming a landmark in the history of science that is often referred to as the Copernican Revolution.
Another amazing thing that we discovered during the trip was that although Copernicus dedicated much of his time to astronomical studies he also had other occupations. He was not only an astronomer but also a mathematician, physician, catholic cleric, poet, translator and economist, being the author of a monetary system. The guides told us that Copernicus worked as a doctor in Warmia and while studying medicine at the University of Padova he treated many dignitaries, monks and other people.
At the end of the incursion in the world and country of Copernicus we had the opportunity to find out additional information directly from the source.

What have you learnt from the trip to Poland?

Livia: I've found out new things about Copernicus' life and work and about other countries' cultures, languages, food and traditions.

Bogdan: I have enriched my knowledge about Copernicus' personality. Copernicus was a universal man, being able to practice different jobs.

Axu: I've understood what Copernicus symbolized for humanity; Copernicus was a strong personality who can be the paragon to follow by the young people.

Memorable impressions from the trip to Poland

Our visit to Poland was very exciting and educative, on the one side we were given the opportunity to find out a lot of interesting things about Copernicus' scientific research and on the other side we established friendly relationships with the students from the other partner countries. During the visit various activities were held in which both teachers and students took active part.

Our visit to Poland began with the opening ceremony, where we were presented an artistic programme by the polish students, but also an interesting game involving all the participants.

During our visits in Lidzbark Warminky, Frombork, Gdansk and Torun, we saw interesting places full of history. We were deeply impressed by the Gothic architecture of the buildings from different cities visited during the trip. We had the chance to meet students from other countries with different cultures and traditions. We shared unforgettable moments with all the students participating in this partnership.

On the last day we visited the Town Hall where we were welcomed warmly by the mayor of Gdynia, who made us to understand better the activity of the city as well as the educational system of this city.

It came afterwards the time of departure and we were very sorry when we had to leave. Some students exchanged e-mail addresses and it was a really long good-bye.

We think that this kind of projects consolidate the collaboration between schools from different EU countries. We would like being involved in many projects like this one because we have the opportunity to meet traditions, cultures from other countries, to meet people who in time become friends.

Answers to some questions that you may want to ask:

1 What do you think about the welcoming reception offered by the polish partners?
Livia: Polish people are very friendly and I had the feeling I knew them forever. Axu: They received us warmly and with open arms.
Bogdan: All Polish people were very hospitality, attentive and open to communicate.

2 How would you describe the opening ceremony? What did you like most?
Livia: I liked the play dedicated to Copenicus, but all the artistic moments were successful and I appreciate the work done by the Polish students
Axu: I personally liked the performance from the "Dance of the stars"
Bogdan: I was impressed by their folk representations, traditional songs and polish dances.

3 Which of the six participating countries did you have a closer collaboration with?
Livia: Poland and Italy.
Axu: Poland and Italy.
Bogdan: Poland and Italy.

4 Which country from the other six participating countries would you like to visit?
Livia: Sweden
Axu: Norway
Bogdan: Italy

5 Which cities (Gdynia, Gdnask or Sopot) did you impress most?
Livia: Gdnya
Axu: Gdnya
Bogdan: Gdnya

6 What did this trip mean to you?
Livia: It was a wonderful experience which I will never forget.
Axu: I had the most amazing time?one of the best trips.
Bogdan: During this trip I could visit places where I have not been before, I made a lot of friends and I got more confidence in myself.

7 How did you feel in their school and what are your impressions?
Livia: They were very friendly and the atmosphere was very pleasant. I can say that their school is similar to a Romanian school.
Axu: I felt as if I was a student of their school.
Bogdan: I was very glad to see that all the students were very opened to new ideas and cultures.