Comenius - Following the Famous Scientists




Uppdated 2010-06-11



Impressions of the Norwegian Students
by: Bendik Jacobsson, Kristine Damlie, Marit Randen and Robert Dobrin.


  • The school (04.00).
  • Came to Vaernes(04.45).
  • Airplane to Copenhagen(07.50).
  • Train from Kastrup to Lund(09.15).
  • Met ``welcoms committee`` on the trainstation.
  • We got some bags with information about Lund.
  • Came to Train Hostel.
  • Ate at Cafe Finn.
  • Was in the town hall and the mayor spoke and showed us a movie about Lund.
  • We took a walk in the city.
  • Reception in "Aulan"(the Swedish students performed something about Tycho Brahe).
  • We ate cake.
  • We played "Burndball" in the park (Swedish baseball/slaball)
  • We attended a musical called Rent.

  • Ate breakfast on the train.
  • Went to Vattenhallen(the university). We was making thing - can be compared with Vitensenteret in Trondheim.
  • Ate lunch on the university.
  • Astronomisenteret. We was in a tower with a great view, and we visited a laboratorium.
  • Went to the school and played football.
  • Ate pizza at Mortens.
  • Went to the bowling(19.00).
  • Relax in 30 min at the train.

  • Ate breakfast at the train.
  • We were at Spyken school and watched the Swedish students when they worked.
  • Ate lunch at the school.
  • We saw the Spyken football team played against the Katedralschool football team.
  • Went to one of the Swedish students and baked a cake.
  • We Norwegian students, one Polish and three Swedish students was at the cinema and saw Robin Hood.
  • Went to one of the Swedish students together with many other students.

  • Ate breakfast at the train.
  • We was picked up outside the train station of the bus.
  • Took the bus to the house where Tycho Brahe grew up.
  • Went with bus to the ferry. Went with the ferry to Ven.
  • At Ven we rented bikes.
  • Ate lunch at the youth hostel, the food was made by the Swedish students.
  • We went to the Tycho Brahe museum.
  • There we saw the underground observatory, we saw a multimedia presentation.
  • We visited the Tycho Brahe museum it was situated in an old church.
  • We cycled to the other side of the island.
  • Back at the youth hostel we had a barbeque party together with the rest of the students.
  • We played some Swedish games.
  • We delivered back the bikes to the bike rental.

  • We ate breakfast at Ven, then packed our stuff.
  • Went to the ferry. We took the Ferry to Landskrona.
  • Bus to Osterlen.
  • We visited Glimmingehus, a castle built in 15th century, we got some food and a guided trip.
  • The bus went to Ale Stenar, before it went back to Lund.
  • Went to the train Hostel for relax.
  • Was on renaissance dinner, we were served a whole barbequed pig.
  • We were entertained with some renaissance dance and rock music.
  • Took farewell with the Bulgarian people.

    • Ate breakfast at the train.
    • Went to Spyken where it was a good bye ceremony, we song the Rosenborg-song and got a diploma.
    • We went to Stadsparken and played football with some Swedish, Romanian and Italian Students.
    • We went to Burger King.
    • We said goodbye with the Rumanian girls.
    • We went to Manu's home with some Swedish students.
    • Went to the train where we met some of the Swedish and German people, and saw the Polish students too.
    • When the train came, we had to take goodbye.
    • We took the train Kastrup airport.
    • Then we flew to Trondheim.

    We really enjoyed the trip to Sweden. We had a lot of fun and learnt a lot about Tycho Brahe. It was nice to meet new people from other countries and we have made a lot of friends.